Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Girl From the Ghetto

My friend, Nina, gave me the book, "The Pioneer Woman from Black Heels to Tractor Wheels". I am totally loving it and got an idea.

I idea from my head. This could be dangerous! I mean it is an "idea"!!!!!

So, here goes as a few (not a lot) know that I am working on three books. Well, one is being written and the other two are still in my files. They are waiting to come out, but with homeschooling and such it just has not happened yet. I am planning to hit the writing hard in August. Why August? Well, because my kids will be in school from 8 - 3 and I can concentrate on it. I am sorry, but I suck at multi tasking when it has to do with anything that requires much thought. As sad as it is, teaching 4th grade spelling and math does require thought. When I sit down to write -- I sit down to write for hours and hours at a time. I get in a zone and I do not do well with distractions. Obviously, trying to author a book right now is not possible. God did not wire me to do it that way. So, what is a girl to do?

Practice writing on her blog of course!

I am going to write over the course of the next few weeks the story of courtship with my husband. I guess you could say I am copying the Pioneer Woman because that is how she got started -- blogging in 2006 about her man. I am a total thief! I have no problem stealing good ideas from others. Why reinvent the wheel, right?

I am not doing this because I want to be like the Pioneer Woman. No no no....quite the opposite on a lot of fronts. I am doing this for two reasons.
1) I must brush up on my writing skills. I need to practice practice practice so when I go to submit my books for publishing they will be well written.
2) Like any long time relationship it is hard. We have not had the "perfect" life. True I am transparent, but I wear my heart close. I don't just put it out there and getting over some things has been hard. Instead of focusing on the bad I think it would be healthy and beneficial to focus on the good! I really am married to a pretty terrific man! Why not brag about him? I have discovered that there are four types of marriage 1) the marriage of when they hit a hard spot get divorced. 2) The marriage of when they hit a hard spot they work on it and through it (granted sometimes that is not possible and I am not pushing this way because I don't know every one's situation) 3) They have not had a hard spot yet (oh because it will come -- it always does!) 4) They have had a hard spot and are just lying about it. Seriously they are in denial. My marriage is #2!

Instead of focusing on what went wrong I am just gonna pour out what went we met. Our courtship. Our life together. Etc....I think it will be fun for my husband to read because I don't know if I ever expressed to him some of my thoughts and feelings that I had. See, I don't show or share emotion as much as the average Jane (then again who is average?)so he is gonna get a peak into my soul and heart.

I hope you read and check back often. I will most likely do this at least once a week. It won't be perfect. It will be rough. However, it will be real and hopefully heart warming!

What is with "The Girl From the Ghetto"? That is where I am from...the ghetto. For real. Little Oakland. The ghetto. Since this is my story then that is what it shall be titled! :-)

Wow! You guys are gonna learn so much about me and my family! LOL!

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