Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Hog!

That is what I have become. I am totally and completely out of control with blogs. I have this blog which is about everyday life. Then there is my blog for my hobby. AND, Guess what? I just started back up my other one that I was doing two years ago. It is actually my journey to health. I stopped doing it when I had all the medical complications and was diagnosed with the hypothyroid disorder. I just could not take it. It was like it was going to turn into a whine feast and that was not the purpose. It was like I did not know how to balance trying to get healthy with my hypothyroid disease. Now, I am in a different place emotionally and physically. It is not like I have done nothing for the last two years. I have. I have learned about what I got and about my body.

I also wanted to shed a few pounds before starting that blog back up again -- which I have. I have lost 17 pounds. So, it is time. I am ready to go back to blogging about this interesting journey that I am on physically.

Another reason I stopped blogging about it was because I am extremely turned off by people out there who are so consumed with weight loss and looking good that I never ever want to come across as one of them! Please understand that I eat and exercise and then move on with my day. How fat or thin or muscular someone is does not mean crap in my book. I could care less what someone can bench or run at the gym and it is so sickening to constantly have to talk about it. See my delima in blogging about my journey?

 My blog is just place to keep track of my exercise and food stuff as well as emotions that play into it.

With allllllllll of that being said I am only allowing a certain few to read my blog because it is going to have personal things on it -- like my weight and I am not comfortable sharing that with the world. If you want to read it and follow me on this journey in my life AND will respect me as a person and not the number the scale says I am, can keep it about the journey itself and not turn it into a place to give "diet" opinions than I would be more than willing to have you read it. You will have to drop me an E-mail or send me a request to read and follow it.

Here is the link:

I truly hope that this post has not come across as incrdibly bitchy.

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