I would much rather cook rich meals dripped in butter! I love love love love love to cook! My favorite time of day is around the supper table. The family comes together and talks about their day. We each take turns saying at least one thing good that happened and one thing bad. It is our tradition and home cooked meals go with it.
Another reason I don't bake cookies is because usually I end up eating the whole batch. I mean we are lucky if the batter even gets into the oven to become a cookie! Seriously, cookies are my worst temptation! Well.....
brownies too...
Ice cream.....
Maybe chocolate cake as well.....
However, this is not about THOSE things! This is about the cookies I made yesterday!

If you want the recipe it is easy to find! simple go by "Nestle" chocolate chips and it is right there on the bag! ;-)
Have I mentioned that I have lost 17 pounds AND I have been eating what I want? There is a secret on how I did it. A secret I am gonna share with you. This mystery diet secret is called "MODERATION". Yep! instead of eating the entire batch of cookies I had two! Oh, and three for breakfast this morning. Then there was the two heaping tablespoons (tablespoons for a monster) that I had to "taste" the batter. I better start practicing that "MODERATION" things some more.
My fav is peanut butter cookies - baked till they are extra crunchy, dipped in ice cold milk. And, if you think about it, this is really healthy... milk is good for your teeth and bones and peanut better has protein in it... sooooo HEALTH FOOD!!! Yea!
ReplyDeleteI wholeheartedly agree with Geri!!!! 17 pounds??? WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1