In case you are wondering this post is just silly randomness. I really don't know if their is a worthy point to it...yet...maybe. I guess we will have to wait and see if it was worth even writing about at the end. Since this is my blog I shall do pointless posts from time to time and it shall be okay in my which everything is out of line!
When I went home for a visit from college (way back when....over a decade ago) my Mom saw me applying lip liner, lipstick, and finally lip gloss. She told me I was wasting my time and money and could not understand why I was going to all that effort on my lips. She told me all I needed was lipstick and the rest was just a waste. I disagreed, but politely put my mirror and lip liner away and did not whip it out until after I was back at school. I could not figure out why my lips looked "sloppy" for the rest of the trip. It then dawned on me -- lip liner!
I have a secret.....
This is a vain little secret that I have never ever told anyone. No one knows this, let alone that it actually really bothers me!
Are you ready?
Can you keep this secret?
Oh this is so embarrassing.....
I don't know if I can go through with it....
Here it is:
I am not ready....
Yes I am
Deep breath
People in cyberland are not gonna think any less of me for revealing this vain little bit of top secret information about me....
So, here it is.....
I am totally and completely insecure about my lips because they blend into my face! Pretty sure that when God created me he left out the pigment in my lips. They are so bland and boring that I don't know where they end and my face begins!
This is where lip liner comes into play. See, I need to apply lip liner every day so I can draw my lips on. I then need to fill it all in with lipstick and gloss it up to make them socially acceptable!
I need lip liner,

(you did not actually think I would post a picture of my lips with out the clown like lip liner on them didja ya?) so that I can color in my lips and make them even with the rest of my face!

Betcha you would never have guessed that this color I am wearing on my lips is super duper bright hot pink?

Yep, my lips just suck it up! They suck up all of the color and make me look normal. Normal is a figurative word because I still don't know what that means....regardless, you will rarely see me without lip gloss on me and lip liner. I have learned that I am not a huge fan of lipstick because lip gloss comes in a bunch of pretty glossy shiny colors!
I can live with out a lot of things, but please don't ever make me give up my lip liner and lip gloss!
and I wear makeup about 5 times a year (Christmas, Easter, the Marine Corps Ball and I threw in 2 other times for good measure.)
ReplyDeleteI remember years ago when I was in my 20's hearing a preacher at a marriage conference one time say... even barns need painting to make them more appealing. maybe it's time i start to paint my barn!
I think it comes down to what makes you feel good. I mean, if you feel good about yourself than that is reflected on the outside. I can't stand hardly any make up when it is summer and won't wear it other than gloss. You have a beautiful skin and nice coloring, so I would not do anything to it either.