Moving along to my hair delima. Actually, I had been thinking about the style I wanted for summer. I knew this was the time to get in gear for it. Last summer I cut it all off. Come to think of it, I did that the summer before too! I really like how I look with shorter hair, but I gotta confess, it is a challenge to make it look cute fresh out of the pool. Living in Arizona we are in the pool a lot in the summer. Not only that but, I really don't like to whip out the hot blow dryer on days that it is over 110 -- which is pretty much every day from June - Sept. So, what is a girl to do? I then thought I would grow it out so I could easily whip it into an updo and not have to mess with it. I know some folks think that short hair is easier to style and care for, but it really is not. Especially when you have cowlicks at various locations on your head like I do (I know your visions of me is scary based on my facial hair issues and now cowlicks all over my head.....I keep envisioning a cow licking my head...ewwwwww).
Again, moving on.....
I then came to the conclusion that I should grow it out. Wait. There is a problem with that too. Personally, I don't think it is attractive for me to have long hair and be over weight. I look really fat and frumpy. So what did I do? I panicked! I don't want to look fat and frumpy. I am not frumpy (fat -- yes, but frumpy? Far from it!). Oh...wait....wasn't I suppose to be shedding some of these pounds? I mean I have shed like 14 of them, but wasn't I suppose to still be on the journey?
I knew that Feb. was gonna be a hard diet month. I had a lot going on and just figured I would do the best I could and walk as much as possible. I did! Well, I kind of did.....
The problem? I did not get back to my diet like I was suppose to in March. Thank goodness for this hair debate I had with myself because I remembered that I needed to get back on the stick! So, as my hair grows my body will not! Bawhahahahahahaha! I can officially say that this is the longest I can wear my hair and be at this size and still look cute (in my eyes), so I better get back on that wagon!
I snapped a photo. Just for you, cyberland, I snapped a photo of my new do!
Be warned.....
I have no make up on....I mean I just had my face waxed! Before the wax it would have been pointless to try to color a bunch of bushes on my face, so I opted not to wear any make up. I did throw some lip gloss on for you because I think you are just so worth it! ;-)

Notice the red puffy spots on my face? Yeah, that is where I had to be waxed.
Back in the saddle again! Now I got that song in my head.....freakin' country song......
Look how pretty you are with no make up! If I looked like that, I would save so much money.