Why all of the sudden do I seem to care about what I drive? I really have not ever cared before. I always said as long as it is reliable and can get me from point A to point B safely than all is well. Okay, okay, so maybe over the last decade I have required A/C (I live in the dessert so I really need it) and a radio, but really I have always been a low maintenance car owner. Well, there was that one time after I graduated from college, got a job and traded in my car for my dream car -- a 1996 green Mustang!

However, I happily traded it in two years later for my mini van because my little baby's car seat did not fit in it. I did not even drive it around the block to say good bye. I just handed my husband the keys and said "Trade it in." I remember my Father-in-law asking me if that is really what I wanted to do because I could just as easily put it up on blocks and get a new car. No, not I. Yes it was my dream car, but God had blessed me with a beautiful family and it just did not matter anymore.
So why this last year have I been wanting a new vehicle? The reasons are really rather superficial and...well....wrong! I feel like I am 35 and my time of scraping by for money to live has passed. Or it should be passed! LOL! I have made right financial choices in my life and am married to a successful business man. Our lifestyle really fits that of an Escilade. I sometimes feel awkward when I drive around the neighborhood in my "Mom" Mobil. It never bothered my before, but for some reason I just feel like I am to old for it. I feel as though I have arrived to adulthood and need to drive accordingly. I need a car that is responsible, classy, and sophisticated.
I then start to look at the economy and just how blessed we have been through it all. See, we live off of commission and have managed to keep a roof over our heads, lights on, and food in our bellies. Not only that, but we have two vehicles that are completely paid for. We have felt the sting of the economy. We don't have a yard guy, pool guy, or house keeper anymore.I am on a fairly stirct budget and often have to juggle when and what to get on a shopping list. We are not able to get routine hair cuts like usual and the kids clothes take a bit more abuse than they used to. However, I have been able to stay at home and home school my eldest son. In a society where Mom and Dad have to work I don't. In fact, I am quite certain that working is not what God wants me to do right now and in obedience we have been provided for. Actually, in mercy and grace we have been provided for because truth be told I have not always been obedient.
I then start to think about how God has provided me with the perfect car for the children and I. We have had it for 6 1/2 years and have only needed to do one major repair on it that was $740. The A/C still works and it gets me around town. Actually it has gotten me not only around town, but all around the west of the U.S! So, although I would like to get my Escilade some day I will cherish my vehicle that I have now. I will proudly drive my "Mom" Mobil and be thankful for the blessing of my needs being met by owning it. So here it is. This is my vehicle:

However, if any of you would like to purchase an Escilade for my family and I, I would gladly accept it! LOL!
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