This is my little Annie and she is eight. Every day at lunch her and her friends put together cheers and dances. You can only imagine her excitement when she was invited to attend a cheer clinic at the H.S. with real cheerleaders!

The cheer clinic was held from 9:00 - 12:00. She was so cute and really into it. I am thankful for this opportunity for her to "try it out" before we get committed into it and then have her say "Mom, I really don't like this...." She will be cheering at the basketball game next Friday night!

I also had an opportunity to talk to some of the moms of the cheerleaders and they all recommended that I get her into dance. The dance academy they recommended is right by my house! Sweet! After practice today we grabbed a bite to eat, found a new scrapbook store (well new to us) and then visited the dance academy. It looks like she will be taking dance and perhaps me too????
Now, for a not very good transition........
Last night I went from this:

To this:

I am sorry folks, but I tried to go back to more of my natural color, but at the end of the day I much prefer myself blond so that is what I am sticking with. Plus it hides all my greys. Isn't that what it is all about? Hiding greys? LOL!
I have my weigh in on Monday so stay tuned. I had quite a bit to say about this journey I am on, but am still processing it and forming my thoughts. Honestly, I also am tired of posting "this is so hard" and "woe is me and my sufferings". I am not a sad person and my last few post have been bummers and I just don't want anymore bummer post for awhile. KWIM?
See you on Monday :-D
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