Tonight the hubby and I went out to a nice dinner with the kids (ironic -- a nice dinner with the children right?) and then off to Home Depot to look at a bunch of these:

It soon proved to be a much harder job than anticipated. See I like (no I LOVE) these types of colors:

He likes this type of color:

I can't believe he likes the "cooler" tones. Our entire marriage and houses have always always been done in warm tones. However, he has since changed to the liking of cool tones. Me? Never! I hate change, so I will forever like warm tones. I really really really wish we could paint the entire house in burgundy, but he nearly threw up in his mouth when I asked him for like the 100th time tonight. I think I brought him every shade of it at Home Depot and he just rolled his eyes and said "NO!". He finally told me that burgundy is to close to pink....and he ain't livin' in no pink house.
It was then his turn to pull out all the green. EW! I don't like green. I mean I *hate* green alllllllllll over the house. Maybe in a scrap room, bedroom or bathroom, but not my entire house! Well...unless it is chalk board paint and then I would welcome it! I even begged him to paint the ONE...I will repeat that ONE wall in the hall in chalkboard paint because it would be fun! He said "NO"...figures right? Then he said he would "think about it" which is really man language for "Not a chance in you know where!" So, I took green off the table and said the only way I would consider it is if he put burgundy back on the table. Needless to say green stayed off the table.
We were in agreement over the colors we have selected as samples to put on our walls this weekend. It was more comical than anything else over our disagreement over the colors. I just could not believe how much he did not like burgundy and how much I did not like green. I knew I did not like green, but the way it repulsed me was even amazing to me -- I really don't like it! LOL!
We both, however really like something like this:

Now, on Sunday night this all could change and we end up not liking it, but for today I think we are gonna go with blues and/or browns! Whatcha think?
i love earth tones... creamy browns. I did have a red kitchen once and I loved it. I always wanted a Yellow kitchen but i haven't had one yet. i will one day!
I have always wanted a yellow kitchen too! Our bedroom is done in burgundy and baby poop green. The baby poop green was an accident that was suppose to be gold! LOL!