I was totally not planning on doing a blog entry today. In fact, today I have very little time to myself. It is parent teacher conferences at school and the kids get out at 10. I was planning on using my precious two hours to edit my cookbook (I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!), but I ran out of my "Wen" two days ago. What I am about to tell you may seem gross and I am sorry, but it is the truth. I had not washed my hair in two days. I was hoping that my next shipment of "Wen" would be here by now. I know, you are asking "what is Wen?" It is the hair care system that I use. See, I am naturally a fairly dark brunette and I have my stylist make me blond. You can only imagine the amount of abuse my hair undergoes in the name of vanity. About two months ago my hairdryer was on it's last leg and ended up scorching a section of my hair. Did I mention that I am trying to grow it out to? Anyways, I needed something that was moisturizing. I fell victim to the info commercial and placed my order for "Wen". I love it. My hair looks great. That is why I had not washed my hair in two days -- I did not want to dry it out using my old products waiting on my "Wen". Regardless, I could not take it any longer so I washed my hair last night with the other stuff. I soon discovered that I was out of my "Wen" styling balm too. I then pulled out what I use on my daughter because I have nothing else to use.

What is it that I use on my daughter? Well Victoria Secrets "So Sexy". She has really fine hair and not a lot of it. So, whenever we have a big event to go to I make sure I use the "volume" products in this line. Why this line? Well, it smells delicious for starters. Secondly, it is a lot cheaper than "Big Sexy Hair". I know, you are amazed that anything in Victoria Secret can be considered a good deal right? FYI, when you catch their sales you can make out really well! It is actually my very favorite store ever! Anyways, I buy their style aides for 3 for $24 and they last for about three months (for my daughter). So, today I used the two products on the left. I did not think it would be as dramatic on me as it was because I have a ton of hair and do not have any problems with volume, so I thought it would just hold my style in place. Boy, was I wrong! First, I wet my hair down -- more like got it damp (I took a shower last night and was short on time. I am that Mom who would never drop my kids off at school in PJ's or without my hair and make up done.). Then I took my medium round brush and spent about 5 minutes blow drying it. I did blow dry the roots upside down and just curled the edges with the brush. I was amazed at the finished style.
Holy Cow! Can we say "Hair as Big as Texas"?!?!?! So, moral of the story is: if you need big hair go to Victoria Secret and let them hook you up with their Volume line. First I smeared the mouse through my hair and then I added the root lifter to the crown of my head and hair line and this is the end result.
<---------------------------------------------Other side.
I would also like to take this moment and say that I am in my Pj's still -- hence why I am "droopy" if you know what I mean. I always do my hair and make up before I put my clothes on. Partially because I love this set of jammies. They are so soft and comfy.
Last, but certainly not least, check out my daughter's hair in this photo. I used the same products on her as I did on me and her hair was super full too! The cool thing with her hair is that since it is a bit finer and not as much hairspray holds her style all day long, whereas with someone who has lots of hair and body hair spray does not always follow through. Isn't she pretty? The dog is pretty cute too;-) Speaking of dogs, we are gearing up to do our next litter. I can't wait! It is so much fun and such a privilege to have a ton of babies at our house -- even if they are covered in fur. We are so looking forward to going through the infant puppy stage again and meeting some more great families through the process.
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