It is summer here in hell...I mean.....errrr.....Arizona. It just happens to feel like hell, but really it is only like 107 today. That is a cool down from the weekend in which it reached 117. Living here for almost two decades I have learned to only get out of the house every other day and only once. The heat is exhausting and your day is over once you come back home because you have to recuperate from it. I am serious -- so not kidding right now. Anyways, one of my bribe tactics I use to get the kids out the door with me is treats. More specifically: drinks. Can you guess my favorite spot?

Are you ready?
It is an upside down iced venti cafe Americano with sugar free vanilla light cream (like two drops -- I hate cream. Bleak!) and more ice less water.
Go order that the next time you are at Starbucks and watch them go cross eyed. Good times!
As you can imagine Starbucks can get pricey -- especially when buying for yourself and three kiddos (chocolate milk no ice extra whip.....yeah! I am teaching them to be high maintenance drinkers too.)
I then discovered a cheaper option:

So, from the bottom of my heart:
Thank you QT. Thank you for your frozen drinks. Thank you for your extensive drink bar and most importantly cheap prices. I will for ever be in your debt.
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