We have lived in this house for 6 years -- the longest I have ever lived in one place! We have three beautiful children and I learned that trying to keep up on that "perfect model" home was gonna drive me to the loony bin and create some very stressed out OCD children! I have started to let things go and with the turn in the economy it has been easy -- haha! As we were picking out colors for the interior of the house I told my husband that I would go out and pick up a new center piece for our dinning room, throw pillows, and coffee table. I then started to go through our boxes of stuff and my heart broke as I was going to donate or garage sale items out. I then realized that I had memories wrapped up in this stuff and it would actually be more responsible if I used what I had -- I also need to be a good stewardship with our money. So, that is what I did. I did not buy a single new thing to decorate with for our house. We even found a big box full of photo frames, quilts, and a clock that is from Germany in the garage. We hung up 54 photos of our family on our newly painted walls. Oh, and I supported my husband and the children hanging up all the photos they wanted where ever they wanted upstairs. My house is not "perfect", but it is our home and it reflects that. People may walk in and think "this may not look like a model house, but it sure feels like home." At the end of the day that is what I want my house to be -- a home.
Out My Window: The palm tree blowing in the wind on this cloudy, but beautiful day.
I Am Wearing: ASU hoodie sweatshirt, black sweat pants and Adidas tennis shoes
I Am Hearing: my dryer and DH snoring (he is taking a nap on the couch! LOL!)
I Am Reading: Ephesians and the third book in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I am also starting "The Hiding Place" with my daughter, although I have read it before (I am named after Betsie Ten Boom).
Menu: Sunday (Grilled Cheese and Vegetable soup), Monday (Chili and corn bread), Tuesday (Chili Dog Pie), Wednesday (Beef Strognoff), Thursday (Dinner out with my friend Nina), Friday (Sour cream Enchiladas and Tacos)
To Do: Monday (dust plantation shutters, pack kids bags for upcoming weekend at the cabin with Grandparents and Charlie), Tuesday (Shop for retreat at my house that I am hosting for a few of my gal pals from all over the US!), Wednesday (clean bathrooms and get prep work done for meals for retreat), Thursday (change sheets on beds and vacuum), Friday (RETREAT TIME!!!!!!).
Creative Juices: Put together 5 kits to work with during retreat
Errands: Shopping for retreat and lots of runs to Sky Harbor Air port! Yay!
Picture of the week:

My breakfast -- Protein shake made with berries. I have it every morning and it keeps the shakes away :-)
Don't forget to leave me something to do! I can make beds when I get there on Thursday. Let me help!!! Have missed you and can't wait to see you! So where we going for dinner???
ReplyDeleteAh, I have missed you a ton too! We have EVERYTHING around here to do and eat, so name your flavor and we can find a place! LOL!