This is going to be a strange blog entry. I mean it is gonna make you scratch your head and wonder why on earth I would talk about something like this, but I am just like that -- random and strange. Hence, sometimes my blog entries will reflect that.
Before I go any further I would just like to give you a little background on why this topic excites me. A few weeks back we were at a dog show in which my kids' were competing. I had to go to the bathroom so I ventured over to the restroom. You can imagine my shock and brief panic when I walked into the women's restroom and there were no doors on the stalls. Now, I have been in plenty of nasty bathrooms in my lifetime. Heck a few years back I was in a bathroom and got some hobo's pee all over my pants. It was disgusting, but at least I had a door. Never in my public bathroom use have I not had a door on a stall until that bathroom run.
SO, fast forward to last week when once again I found myself at a dog show and needing to take a tinkle. I ask my fellow show goers where the nearest restroom was. They all directed me to the outhouse/port a potty.
Oh no.....again? Last time I had my Coach purse with me and did not know what to do with it in the doorless stall....this time I had a different, but nice purse. Where was I suppose to set it in a stinky port a potty? I then thought "at least I have a door." I then ventrued off to find the toliets.
I was so happy when I walked in and saw this:
Yes, that is fully stocked toilet paper in a silver container. And that is my naked leg that the TP is resting on....took the picture as I tinkled....I really had to go. Hey, don't judge me. I have had three children. Two of which were over 10 pounds and if I don't go when I have to go I WILL drizzle.
You can imagine my complete and total delight when I turned around and saw an area designed for my Starbucks coffee cup....okay maybe not my Starbucks cup, but a cup holder none the less! Oh joy!
There even was a fully stocked area to cleanse my hands complete with soap, paper towels, garbage can, and a foot pumped water faucet. Oh to be able to pee in comfort and wash my hands is pure bliss!
What is this? A mirror too?!?!?! A lot of restrooms in public parks do not have a mirror, but this purple slice of portable bathroom heaven did. I was able to fluff my hair (love that big curls are coming back in. I mean take a look at the hair, cute right?) and apply my lipstick.
I was tickled when I saw the full instant hand sanitizer right there in the port a potty. I was able to give a quick squirt before sitting down to pee...and during the process of urination...and of course right after I went. I am kind of a clean freak and having pee of my own or anyone else on me grosses me out. In fact, I just threw up in my mouth at the thought of it.
Finally, let's not just take a moment of silence and appreciate the best part.....their beautiful wonderful royal color -- PURPLE.
I don't recall ever having so much fun and appreciation for a bathroom before, much less a port a potty. Take a moment today and relish in the simple (and sometimes disgusting) things in your life that make it easier. Oh, and every time you have a door on a stall be thankful.....oh and a place to set your Coach purse in a thankful. In all things be thankful. Even in the bathroom -- be thankful.