A recipe card? I got worked up over a lousy recipe card?!?!?! For real? What is wrong with me?
This is not an ordinary recipe card. It is not something that I copied or was copied for me from a magazine. No, this recipe card was given to me by my precious Grandma about 13 years ago. Grandma is now 94 and legally blind. She can not hear very well either and being able to get something like this from her now would be almost impossible.
Not only is the card itself so meaningful, but also what it makes and the memories wrapped up in it. This is the recipe for homemade carrot cake. I don't eat carrot cake. I pretty much hate it, but this....this carrot cake is my favorite carrot cake in the whole wide world. In fact, I would venture to say that it is my very favorite cake ever. No box mix for this. I actually have to shred carrots to make it. I am not the only one that loves this cake. I have had people offer to pay me to make it. Really this is a good cake.
It also happens to be one of the very last things I sat around my Grandma's table eating with my Dad before he was killed. See, my Grandma gave me this recipe 13 years ago when I went home to bury my father. Eating this with him that one last time is what sticks in my head. Every time I make it I think of my family. Every time my family sits down to enjoy it, I think about that last time I ate it with my father. It always makes me all warm and fuzzy inside -- priceless.
Not only do I have positive memories of this cake and the recipe behind it, but I am creating new memories with my kids. Each Easter I make this for our family. It has become expected. It is tradition and we all get so excited when we get to make it and eat it. My kids are at the age where they can help me make it and that is building memories that will last their lifetime.
It all started with one question "Grandma, can I get that recipe from you for the carrot cake?"
"Sure, hunny let me copy it down for you."
"Oh, no it is okay. I can copy it."
"No, I will do it."
I am so glad she did it. I am so glad she refused to let me do it because she gave me the most priceless gift ever.
I would be more than happy to share this great recipe, but for now this is all I can emotionally handle. I am swimming in an ocean of warm and fuzz feelings and I want to cherish it a little bit longer. Until next time -- eat cake!